60 cm forlænger til boccia First rampe

$ 117.00

60 cm forlænger til boccia First rampen – lavet af stærk transparant polycarbonat.

Få mere fart på boldene ved at anvende en forlænger til rampen.

Ovennævnte pris er ekskl. moms.
Pris i DKK inkl. moms 985,- kr. pr. stk.

Produktnummer: EXP1121 Kategorier: , Anbefales til følgende segmenter:
  • 1
  • 6
  • 7
Vægt 1000 g


Return Policy

Please read our return policy and general terms here.

Handi Life Sport grant the right of withdrawal and warranty according to EU and Danish law’s general provisions, including consumer legislation.

This entails: 14 days of cancellation right when shopping at www.handilifesport.com. The cancellation period expires 14 days after the day the item is received.

Payments methods and shipping

Payment methods: Customers can choose between payment by credit card or by bank transfer. This includes Mastercards and Visa cards.

Handi Life Sport uses a payment gateway from NETS. All credit card data are encrypted, in order to keep all information safe and secure.

Shipping: When ordering at www.handilifesport.com customers choose a shipping method. The shipping costs will added to the order in the process.

Once the order has been shipped, the customer will be informed of the shipment’s tracking number.
The goods will be shipped within 3-6 days.

Contact us

We would like to improve and develop our products and service, and we need your help to do so.

Please send us your feedback and feel free to enclose pictures and stories that describe your experiences with our products.