Justa Blind Sports mask in a Justa Case


Justa Blind Sports Mask in a Justa Case

Get your Justa Blind Sports Mask in the Justa case for storage and protection. Enables you to take good care of your Blind Sports Mask in a smart & handy way.

Justa Blind Sports Mask is the professional eyeshade of soft moulded black rubber with perfect fit. One size, adjustable elastic strap. Strap in red or blue colour.

The JUSTA blind sport mask is safe, protective, super comfortable – and completely no vision. Use when playing Blind Football, Goalball, Torball, Showdown etc. The Justa eyeshades are very popular among both elite and other players.

The Justa Mask has some features that make the mask more safe, more protective – and just, in the sense that wearing this mask ensures no vision and everyone play on a just level.

The Justa Case is:

  • a protective case for storage of eyeshades
  • a really nice and exclusive case
  • a perfect fit for Justa Blind Sports Mask

Choose between a mask with red or blue strap.

NOTE: Prices do not include VAT.
Purchases from EU customers, who do not have a VAT reg. number, will be charged with VAT according to the VAT rate in the specific EU country.

Purchases from countries outside the European Union will NOT be charged with VAT.
However, national authorities from non-EU countries might charge VAT or customs, this is beyond our control.

Item no.: EXP50820 Categories: , Recommended for segments:
  • 1
  • 5
Tags: ,
Weight 300 g




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Handi Life Sport grant the right of withdrawal and warranty according to EU and Danish law’s general provisions, including consumer legislation.

This entails: 14 days of cancellation right when shopping at www.handilifesport.com. The cancellation period expires 14 days after the day the item is received.

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Payment methods: Customers can choose between payment by credit card or by bank transfer. This includes Mastercards and Visa cards.

Handi Life Sport uses a payment gateway from NETS. All credit card data are encrypted, in order to keep all information safe and secure.

Shipping: When ordering at www.handilifesport.com customers choose a shipping method. The shipping costs will added to the order in the process.

Once the order has been shipped, the customer will be informed of the shipment’s tracking number.
The goods will be shipped within 3-6 days.

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