

CROLF is a Danish invention! As indicated by the name, the game is a mix between croquet and golf. The game is played with mallets and balls similar to croquet equipment, and like in golf, the objective is to hit the ball into the hole with as few strokes as possible.

A crolf court has 12 holes in a terrain with trees, hills and other natural obstacles.

During the winter, crolf can be played indoors in a gymnasium. When playing indoors, the hard balls meant for outdoors play is replaced with balls made of artificial leather.

Crolf is a new sport that was established in 2004 with the founding of Dansk Krolf Union (Danish Crolf Union).

Today, crolf is a popular sport, especially among seniors.

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The objective of the game is to hit the ball into the hole with as few strokes as possible.

A real crolf course has 12 holes, but adapt it to your surroundings.

There must be at least 5 meter from the starting position of the player to the hole.


Read more about Crolf and find the rules In English at Danish Crolf Union’s website: