Pre Schools
Movement and physical play are immensely important for preschool children!
Small children are born with the urge to play! In the digital world of today, it is crucially important to support the physical movement and play for small children. There is a strong correlation between the development of the body and of the brain, and of physical movement and wellbeing!
Preschools children need to use and train all their senses i.e. (tactile, hearing, visual etc.) and, rather than competing, they benefit from the movement and the play in itself: colours, imagination, hearing, movement etc. Rather than focusing on “who is the best” they enjoy games that bring them together and teach empathy and trust.
Our product range contains many games and activities well suited for preschool children.
Products that are soft, colourful and with a friendly appearance:
- Colourfull lightweight balls, with jingling or rattling sounds.
- Smaller boccia balls for precision games
- soft lightweight skittles for fun precision games
- balloon balls – easy to handle also for small children
- Polyester masks – small children will enjoy and benefit from exercises and fantasy travels with blind folds, where they learn to be more aware of tactile and audible sensing.

On top small children playing with Petito Foam.
Below children playing with Apricot Blind football.